Better Buildings Challenge
The Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) presented the city’s most prestigious sustainability awards to the “Best Buildings” in Los Angeles at its 9th Annual Innovation Awards.
CRCD Partners receives
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund Grant

The National Trust for Historic Preservation's African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund has awarded CRCD the $75,000 early planning grant for the Historic Lincoln Theatre.
"This year we received an exceptional response from 662 applicants across the United States requesting more than $74 million in funding. The National Trust closely reviewed each letter of intent and selected 53 out of 662 organizations to submit full grant applications, which were then reviewed by staff from both the National Trust and several noted experts in African American history and culture. Congratulations on being one of the 40 applicants selected from this highly competitive group to be funded in the 2023 cohort of Action Fund grantees."
Real Estate Development Awards and Recognition
Presented by the Los Angeles Conservancy to CRCD and development partner Little Tokyo Service Center for beautiful and sensitive rehabilitation of an historic home for the 36th Street Apartments
2012 Preservation Award
Presented by the Los Angeles Conservancy to CRCD and development partner Clifford Beers Housing for excellence in preservation, in both physical elements and grand vision
2013 Preservation Award
The Dunbar Hotel, built in 1928 by John and Vada Somerville (now co-owned by CRCD and Thomas Safran & Associates, providing affordable housing to seniors and families in the community).
National Register of
Historical Places
National Register of Historical Places:
The 28th Street YMCA, designed in 1926 by architect Paul R. Williams (now co-owned by CRCD and Clifford Beers Housing, providing affordable housing and youth services as the 28th Street Apartments and Vernon-Central YouthSource Center).
2008 Community-Police Partnership Award:
Presented by the MetLife Foundation and Local Initiatives Support Corporation, honoring CRCD, the LA Police Department, and the LA City Attorney’s Office for implementing a successful Graffiti Free Zone. The Zone reduced crime in Vernon-Central and employed local youth in professional graffiti removal services.
2011 CA Community Economic Development
CRCD’s youth employment services, commercial district improvement, and affordable housing were profiled as exemplary practices/case studies
California Council for Excellence
In 2012, CRCD was recognized by the California Council for Excellence with a prestigious California Award for Performance Excellence, which entails a rigorous review process and a best practices and awards conference
2013 Community-Police Partnership Award
Presented by the MetLife Foundation and Local Initiatives Support Corporation, honoring CRCD’s public safety work in partnership with the LA Police Department, All Peoples Community Center, and Thomas Safran & Associates, in recognition of community efforts to reduce neighborhood crime around the Dunbar Village affordable housing project.
Awarded to 28th Street Apartments as the AIA’s highest recognition of works that exemplify excellence in architecture, interior architecture, and urban design
LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCY 2014 Preservation Award
Awarded to Dunbar Village for reviving a beloved landmark of LA’s African-American heritage and serving as a vibrant community resource
Awarded to 28th Street Apartments as a complex, community-based, sustainable project delivered on a tight budget.
US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 2014 HUD Secretary Housing and Community Design Award
Awarded to 28th Street Apartments to recognize architecture that demonstrates overall excellence in terms of design in response to both the needs and constraints of affordable housing.
Awarded to Koning Eizenberg for their achievement with the 28th Street Apartments, using “architecture as an agent for social transformation.” Koning Eizenberg was the only US firm to receive an award.
CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION Preservation Design Award, Rehabilitation Category, 2013
Awarded to 28th Street Apartments for making possible the continued historic use, or a compatible new use, through repair, alterations and additions, while preserving those portions or features which convey a site or structure’s historical, cultural, or architectural values.
Sixth Annual Housing Institute Partnership Award, 2013, awarded to CRCD in recognition of the collaboration and partnership in the development and provision of on-site supportive services for the Epworth Apartments.
Awarded to Koning Eizenberg Architecture and the 28th Street Apartments for demonstrating excellence in city-making and community-building.
LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COUNCIL 43rd Annual Los Angeles Architectural Awards
Awarded to the 28th Street Apartments for excellence in multi-family affordable housing